The founder of the TRON blockchain, Justin Sun, has pledged $1 million in support of Telegram founder Pavel Durov. Indeed, the apprehension of Durov dominated headlines on Saturday. In response, Sun has promised to grant the funds to a decentralized autonomous organization (DOA) created to help release the Telegram head.
The arrest has brought to light ongoing questions of censorship in Europe. Moreover, the high-profile development has led many to express their unwavering support for the man behind the immensely successful Telegram messaging application. Sun has been one of his most adamant defenders.
Source: Bloomberg
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Justin Sun Ready to Give a DAO $1 Million to Aid Telegram’s Durov
The crypto world was taken aback by news of Telegram founder Pavel Durov’s arrest on Saturday. Indeed, the CEO was taken into custody after stepping off of his private jet in Le Bourget France. The reasons behind his arrest created a new set of concerns.
According to French authorities, Durov was responsible for Telegram’s lack of moderation and unsatisfactory cooperation with law enforcement. Therefore, they said Durov was complicit in drug trafficking, child exploitation, and fraud crimes.
Now, advocates are beginning to speak out. Specifically, TRON founder Justin Sun has already pledged $1 million to support Telegram’s Durov. He noted that the arrest is an opportunity for the community to show unity.
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“We should show the cryptocurrency industry’s unity by organizing a [Free Pavel] DAO to help Telegram Founder Pavel DUrov legally gain freedom. I’ll donate $1 million if it’s created in a decentralized way with enough community support,” Sun said in a post to X (formerly Twitter).
The arrest is part of an even greater censorship effort against businesses in Europe. Elon Musk has faced increased criticism in recent weeks. Now, the Telegram CEO has been the latest to be held responsible and to account to the standard.